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Episode 5: Doubt
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Rika says...
03.21 - grrrr
Yay comics!


(this has been a breach of Rika's personal motto of not letting her webcomic space get too personal, brought to you by... Maybelline! Maybe she's born with it...)
Nami says...
03.21 - ::insert something not silly here::
SHAMELESS SENCELESS PULG BABY! go here interesting things are starting to happen on this very page. BWAHAH. I need to be on there more often... ::sad face::

Ah yes I am gearing into the home stretch of my classes so things will start to get hectic. But I'm sure I can manage. ((I went insane and tried to get ahead of myself with Seraphic so it would seem like NOTHING happened.)) mmm I'm working on getting a few other things taken care of. XD because I'm suddenly a work horse and want to get 400 projects done at once. If it wasn't for Rika-bean and the Pochi I think I would float apart into many Nami bits, slowly take over people's bodies like the T-virus and cause the next major epidemic. ((which I predict to be the avian flu... please readers eat a little bit more healthy. And if the weather is nice go walk outside. BE HEALTHEIR!)) No really I'm turning into a health freak... of sorts. Like I think people should be outside more and fly kites ((envisions hundreds of people at a park playing soccer, walking the dog, writing poetry and flying kites... X3 HAPPY PLACE!<3))

RIGHT. ::coughs:: enjoy the comic. I think I went overboard... but it's always a surprise to see how Rika-bean transformed the comic after I give it to her. XD YAYS!

PS- details later on a holiday I'm working on.

<3 Nami

Pochi says...
03.16 - Nami's art spotted elsewhere
I just saw some of Nami's creativity over on Trashformers. I must say, I'm much more impressed with her tod drawings than her robots. ;)
Pochi says...
03.14 - Nami made some wallpapers for us!
Check the Art section, click "Goodies", and then head down to the "Wallpapers" option. BAM! Three hot new wallpapers featuring the tods from this week's comic.

Put them on your computer at work or school. When people ask, "What's that?" Tell them, "Your doom!"
Rika says...
03.14 - Adventure!
I'll be in Kyoto if anyone needs me.

I think this comic came out splendiferously. I still have trouble figuring out where shading goes, though. It's weird, cos I've started paying attention to people's faces. The other day I was reading manga and realized I was staring at the dynamics of the angles and framing, wondering how to incorporate them myself and make Seraphic better.

@_@ Webcomics are an evolutionary process, I suppose.

It should be warmer in Kyoto. Good. I'm sick of snow.
Nami says...
03.14 - blah blah blah
: 3 YAYS look at me being a good Nami and getting the comic done! I am a LOT happier about how this one came out. I think that this one has super cute Teia EVERYWHERE. ((Ok in 2 frames.)) I made some goodies that Mr. Pochi will hopefully tell you about as well as where to snag them. REMINDER we have Forums <3 go sign up! Fun things are happening there, or something.

My favorite part about this comic is probably either the eye roll, or the Tods. XD I can't decide. But when I was drawing the 3rd panel I kind of made it look like Teia was picking her nose in the pencils. XD glad that dosen't translate as much in the inked version. <3

Doing the comics inked and colorized is an interesting change. While it cuts some work out for me at one step... it adds work at other steps. ::sighs:: I'm still not 100% sure how I feel about it in the end. I like it MORE I'm just not sure what I want out of seraphic right now. I think Jekka-bean as always does a superb job at coloring and I'm glad to get her more into the artistic side of the comic again! ((And I can focus a lot less at some aspects and work on the next comic...)) Part of me misses doing the comic in pencil. I find I'm a lot more expressive in that medium, and the ink just kills some of the emotion I'm able to pour into my drawings... but the times they are a changing and I suppose I need to learn more mediums sooner than later. :: shakes fist:: I shall look to the future and maybe I'll try coloring a comic for ya'll soon though.

If you haven't noticed I'm enjoying the new rant setup a little too much XD BWAHAHAH. Now to cute the emoticons out of my rants....

I think you all need to go out and fly a kite. ((Nami has some obsession with kite flying. You can pretend to be physically fit and do NOTHING. It's also cute to see random strangers help you fly a kite if you're in a park.)) GO FLY A KITE TODAY!

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Jekka Cormier and Sarah Hevey