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Episode 5: An Interesting Theory
An Interesting Theory
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Pochi says...
03.14 - Nami made some wallpapers for us!
Check the Art section, click "Goodies", and then head down to the "Wallpapers" option. BAM! Three hot new wallpapers featuring the tods from this week's comic.

Put them on your computer at work or school. When people ask, "What's that?" Tell them, "Your doom!"
Rika says...
03.14 - Adventure!
I'll be in Kyoto if anyone needs me.

I think this comic came out splendiferously. I still have trouble figuring out where shading goes, though. It's weird, cos I've started paying attention to people's faces. The other day I was reading manga and realized I was staring at the dynamics of the angles and framing, wondering how to incorporate them myself and make Seraphic better.

@_@ Webcomics are an evolutionary process, I suppose.

It should be warmer in Kyoto. Good. I'm sick of snow.
Nami says...
03.14 - blah blah blah
: 3 YAYS look at me being a good Nami and getting the comic done! I am a LOT happier about how this one came out. I think that this one has super cute Teia EVERYWHERE. ((Ok in 2 frames.)) I made some goodies that Mr. Pochi will hopefully tell you about as well as where to snag them. REMINDER we have Forums <3 go sign up! Fun things are happening there, or something.

My favorite part about this comic is probably either the eye roll, or the Tods. XD I can't decide. But when I was drawing the 3rd panel I kind of made it look like Teia was picking her nose in the pencils. XD glad that dosen't translate as much in the inked version. <3

Doing the comics inked and colorized is an interesting change. While it cuts some work out for me at one step... it adds work at other steps. ::sighs:: I'm still not 100% sure how I feel about it in the end. I like it MORE I'm just not sure what I want out of seraphic right now. I think Jekka-bean as always does a superb job at coloring and I'm glad to get her more into the artistic side of the comic again! ((And I can focus a lot less at some aspects and work on the next comic...)) Part of me misses doing the comic in pencil. I find I'm a lot more expressive in that medium, and the ink just kills some of the emotion I'm able to pour into my drawings... but the times they are a changing and I suppose I need to learn more mediums sooner than later. :: shakes fist:: I shall look to the future and maybe I'll try coloring a comic for ya'll soon though.

If you haven't noticed I'm enjoying the new rant setup a little too much XD BWAHAHAH. Now to cute the emoticons out of my rants....

I think you all need to go out and fly a kite. ((Nami has some obsession with kite flying. You can pretend to be physically fit and do NOTHING. It's also cute to see random strangers help you fly a kite if you're in a park.)) GO FLY A KITE TODAY!

Pochi says...
03.10 - Forums are fixed
I've hacked the hacker and managed to undo his dirty work. ...but since a hack could very easily happen again, installing new forum software is now a huge priority for me.
Pochi says...
03.10 - We've been H4X0r'd!
Looks like someone (in Russia, apparently) managed to hack into phpBB and deface the forums. Our move to new forum software suddenly became a higher priority.

I think I know how to fix it...but unfortunately can't until Rika's online later tonight (or tomorrow morning in her time zone).

Until then...uh... Hey, can I distract you with Seraphic's first fan fiction? (Yes, that makes me a fanboy. I can accept that.)
Nami says...
03.08 - wow...
Hmm I don't know what really happened on this comic. XD I don't feel I was in the zone. Poooo. And in hind sight I should probably write these when the comic is just put up. XD bwahahah I suck! Oh well. I love the coloring and how the comics are looking now. But this one in particular I just WASN'T feeling. However I got the next one done! 5.9 will be waiting for Tuesday to come and grace its presence on the pages for all you super people to read!

I've recently had a serious bout of wanderlust. But I beat it out of my system now I just need to hunker down and do all of the things I've been procrastinating on. The only down side of Denver is spring hits you in the middle of February. And because out school doesn't have spring break ((GASP!)) well I couldn't really be lazy for no reason. And even though the past week has been in the 70's and 80's it's currently SNOWING outside. This weather is insane, but part of me loves it's not the same stuff every day, so it's kind of an adventure. Usually I won't look at the weather report and guess what tomorrow will be... but lately I've been cheating... VIVA LA WEATHER.COM

What else is new, mmm being back on the update schedule is nice. I'm going to try to get 5.10 to Jekka-bean by Saturday that is of course unless Weer'd messes up the transmission again. I hope all you crazy cats are keeping it real! Enjoy the March... ((Forgot to note if it came in like a lion or a lamb...)) there should be some new goodies about, and I will try to have Pochi explain to me what all these new fangled things on seraphic are... like an RSS feed? I know what it is but I don't know what it does. Ahhh being the artist is such a vapid job. Ahhh how did my rant get so long!

Ps- I'm going to try to bring back fan art Sundays... I miss it. If there is no fan art I will just post... stuff. XD BWAHAHAHA.

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Jekka Cormier and Sarah Hevey