Rika says...
08.30 - hansoexposed.com
Glyph #54 is "narvik".
Good luck, Rachel.
Nami says...
08.29 - birshday!
also if you want the comic come back TOMORROW!
untill then tell my dad happy birthday!
Nami says...
08.24 - a very serious talk
So some of you know that Jekka, Pochi and I talk about Seraphic...
this is about the next comic-
Nami: GAR?
Pochi: GAR!
Nami: GAR gar gaaaaaaaaaaaaaar garag
Pochi: Gar?
Nami: gara gar
Pochi: Gar gar gar. <3
Nami: gar : D
Nami says...
08.22 - wha na na na!
So whos a good artist?
Nami is a good artist.
is it true? well you ave a comic don't you.
Rika says...
08.22 - I prefer debriefing.
har har har.
Thanks for putting up with our lapse. ^^ I'm back in America and things are very ... loud and wide. Got a few weeks downtime before I go back to college, but I won't let that slow me down, oh no.
Next week is the end of chapter 5! :o And then, we start chapter 6! Cos, you know, that's how counting works.
Rika says...
08.22 - Update on the update
Comic should be up for Wednesday - Nami's toning right now, and I'll use tomorrow to do the photoshopping and what.
Thanks for the patience!