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Episode 5: Twitch
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Nami says...
04.25 - I'm your candy man!
"Tolst's head is filled with candy" <-- suddenly all I can hear is the "Candy man" song... and Tolst is Aqua....... AHAHAHHA.

WHEEE so my summer vacation started today! I DID NOTHING! I lounged around and played some video games caught up on anime and knit a scarf. BWAHAHA. Hope you like the comic. It's become some weird telephone game between Rika-bean and I. frankly I love it. BWAHAHA. Uhhh some new stuff should be out soon I have 2 weeks to kill before classes start.... BWAHAH.

Tolt's head is glowing because he's really angel Gabriel... or part Tod...

Rika says...
04.25 - I want some coffee, too.
You're probably wondering, what's with the background? Me, I'm wondering what's for lunch. But I'll tell you about the background.
See, I imagine Tolst's office as being done in very tasteful hardwoods. A lovely mahogany perhaps. Red browns. And that would be great if I were at all capable of making a background that looked like that. So, instead, it seems that Keia is floating in coffee there in panel one. I'm sure it's delicious. Meanwhile in panel 2, Tolst's coffee is much hotter, as you can tell by the steam all around his head.

In panel 3 they seem to have moved location to a desert.

Lastly, check out that door in panel 5. Yeah, I made that. It's pretty hot, isn't it?

p.s. Tolst's head is filled with candy

Rika says...
04.23 - Sunday Sunday SUNDAY!
Thanks to Naku for this very sweet picture. Isn't it sweet?

As you can see, we're trying to get Fan Art Sunday going again, because we loved it. If you've got art inspired by Seraphic kicking around, or feel like making it and then kicking it around, send it our way!!

Also, if you didn't know, Pochi's on the radio. I'm listenin' to him right now - he's in his alter ego as some mysterious convention-running man or something. Lies, LIES! He's an alligator and I know it.

*EDIT* Link removed cos the broadcast is done. :P Did you miss it? That's alright, you still have time to go pre-reg for Anime Boston!
^^;; My favorite part was the phone call from Greg Ayres.
Pochi says...
04.18 - *taps Rika and Nami on their shoulders*
Hey, you guys have probably been too busy to notice, but Mookie's talkin' 'bout you.

This site is cool too.
Nami says...
Wow I'm glad I have buffer comics... WHOOOO FINIALS ARE EATING ME.

It never ceases to amaze me the power of an art school finial... and yes this is my LAST week of school XD TILL THE SUMMER.

::PS - I may be that starving art kid Rika-bean mentions...::

::pss - I'm getting really good at typing in the dark. XD WEEEE::
Rika says...
04.18 - What's taters, precious?
First off, big special Thank You! to Derek (otouto) and Pochi for their help with various potato spectacles. The tater tod idea was Nami's, and she gets all the credit. Lastly, I apologize for the craptacular quality of this commercial, but think of it has having been one of those commercials that was directed and produced by starving art kids or something. With headaches and a pile of other homework to do.

I may be a mad scientist chick but that's only because I know things that you don't.

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Jekka Cormier and Sarah Hevey