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Episode 5: That's a mighty fine mug
That's a mighty fine mug
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Nami says...
11.15 - FRAPPER!
IEEEEE MORE PEOPLE ARE ON FRAPPER! <3 X3 its so awsome to see this (( and thankyou for all of the awsome comments!))

as you see we actually have an UPDATE for you today : o oh sweet leather on pleather! ^_^ now lets see if we can keep doing this... that whole updateign thing that is. XD but im sure we will be able to X3 :: bounce:: my classes have calmed down for a bit, so ive taken up drawing serpahic, knitting, and createing the worlds uggliest christmas tree ((sadly it looks GOOD for beign so bad)) i may make little tod ornimants and turn it into the tod tree XD BWAHAHA. right. (( if i do, there will be pictures...))

i also just wanna give a shout out to Pat, our web pochi who has been so amazingly awsome with helping us out, so thankyou pat... without you seraphic woudl still be at about .5 pats of awsome. (( now we are at about 26.7 pats of awsome))

Check out our Frappr!

Rika says...
11.15 - Page 2, at last!
One good thing about this situation is, I've got a lot of time on the weekend to photoshop to my heart's content. It'd be nicer if I were better at it, but I have to say I'm absurdly proud about that coffee cup. I spent a LOT of time on that coffee cup...
Snow has started, and word on the street is once snow starts in Sapporo, it's pretty much snow from then on. In preparation I bought a lot of leg warmers and arm warmers. I may be an 80's reject, but oddly enough I fit in a little more amidst the Japanese because of it. We're quirky, cute, warm 80's rejects. With cell phones.
I've written many more scripts (thought the question of how to get them to Nami without a scanner is providing entertaining experiments - the latest of which being me taking pictures of the written scripts. Yeah. Go technology) and Episode 5 seems to be moving smoothly. I apologize if this is another one that'll strike you all as 'slow', but I wanted to spend some time going over the theories and such of the world these people are living in. Action will come again, I promise. Perhaps the problem is, I'm lazy. ^^
In any case, check out our Frappr thing because every time someone else adds on I smile and my heart grows three times larger. Christmas might come after all. Complete with roast beast.
Rika says...
11.07 - Omilord
I just splorfed soda on myself while looking at Nami:s beautiful hand-drawn maps.

Please excuse my syntax errors - the Japanese keyboard is a strange and wild beast yet. Anyway. Holy crap this looks really nice. I:m pleased to have Pat on board and very excited about what this is going to mean for the efficiency and smooth stylin of Seraphic. In fact, I:m going to go write some more scripts. May they be half the awesome that our webpochi can produce.
Pochi says...
11.07 - Awesomeness of Remme
This is Patrick again. Nami drew some nifty Remme art with her tablet, so I put it up for her. She's promising an actual honest-to-goodness comic update coming up soon. Yay!
Nami says...
11.07 - na-na-nanananananana- na-nanamari damacy

first off i wanna say THANKYOU PAT! MR. WEB-POCHI! he has been helpign us out and makeing the webside of seraphic like super ultra easy! ROUND OF APPALUSE FOR PATTERS! ((pat is 3.4 pats of awsome.))

second.. i know there SHOULD be a comic. im getting there, my goal is to send out 2 pages to Jekka-monster on thursday so next week we can begin the updates ((proably once a week.)) but yeah. until then please laugh at how Nami dosent know her geography.

Nami's World
Nami's Country

>_> lets not be offended... in fact im at least amused

anyways. i must tally-ho. ^_^
Pochi says...
11.03 - Frappr
HA! This is Patrick...Seraphic's Web-Pochi. Nami set up Frappr for Seraphic. We stole the idea from FruitDorks.

Check out our Frappr!

Nami says...
11.02 - NaNoWriMo
Rika says...
10.30 - Life in Japan continues
I've been a bit unsuccessful in reaching Nami, but there are whispers of places with better internet, and I'm researching the possibility of AirEdge, which lets you pull access from cellphone towers. The issue, as always, is price.... but in the meantime, neat! An animation! .. That I can't watch. XD WAGH. In other news, NaNoWriMo ( is nearly upon us... those of you who fancy yourself writers, please do join us in the frantic frenzied misery and joy of 50,000 words in a month. This'll be my third year and I can't really describe to you how fun it is to go completely insane over a matter of 1667 words a day... As for Seraphic... FIGHT ON! FIGHT ON!
Nami says...
10.26 - Animation
so i STILL have no comic.... but instead have an animation. XD i figure its decent given the NO animation classes, and i was just putzing around.

i hope you all enjoy. im shooting for the comic to be posted nextweek then no longer shall there be waiting for the updates!

AHAHHAHA i have to go to class....
Nami says...
10.20 - DIZAM SCHOOL IS AWSOMALY HARD! ^_^ but im over it. this is to tide you all over till the comic, which will proably be forced to once a week, however i'll try to work at getting some randoem sketches up over the course of the week. if theres anyhting in particular oyu wanna see? E-MAIL ME!

im sure fan-art sundays will come back. XD AWSOME! i really liked those :3.

have a good.... OH and you should all go and read the poky little puppy. if you havent yet
Rika says...
10.11 - Sapporo is constantly unveiling new wonders as well as new obstacles. Hence the horrid delay in updating. Also, there was some issues with the server. BUT HEY, LOOK. A COMIC. This is mostly thanks to Pat, who's like a webninja in training. Speaking of ninjas, our usual webninja, Scott, went and had himself an adorable baby boy. Congrats!!

Now that we know we can use and abuse Pat until I can find out a better way to update, perhaps a more regular schedule might be possible. Now it's up to Nami. Oh Nami! Draw, Nami! Fight!
Nami says...
Nami says...
10.01 - Hey! TIS NAMI. >_> never underestimate the power of Boba... BECOME ONE WITH THE BOBA! :3 I am spitting it at Jessi! She's a little Tea-monster! And her art is amazing... XD I cry myself to sleep because of it. So go and cry too and maybe we can irragate some corn feilds!!

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Jekka Cormier and Sarah Hevey