Rika says...
06.02 - It's been a heck of a day - I'm uploading this early so I can go to bed. Work has me exhausted, and my day off wasn't all that restful either. Some of our readers in Maine have probably heard about the gunman on the turnpike around 6:00. I was about a half mile back. My ride home took 3 hours and 45 minutes, the majority of which spent sitting there reading manga, listening to the news choppers and watching all the police cars go by, peeing in the woods, and occasionally getting out to watch the action.
Hey, look. A comic!
Rika says...
05.24 - I don't know where she comes up with this stuff.
Nami says...
04.21 - 24 hour webcomic challenge! It's the 23rd!
Rika says...
04.19 - Hey, I know what day it is! And I know what update it is, as well. This is our 100th comic update, as you can see in the archive bar. This is counting title pages and commercials, which I consider part of storyline, but not counting guest arts, filler days, etc... So I'm feeling pretty proud of ourselves. ^_^
Nami made a special picture for it!