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Episode 4: Yarr, it be booty!
Yarr, it be booty!
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Rika says...
02.22 - Okay, I'm back. ^^ I did this comic as quick as I could, sorry it's a bit late but it is still Tuesday!

Katsucon was in many ways quite an experience. I'll be making a separate page for a con report later, I've still got homework tonight so that'll probably come to pass tomorrow. In the meantime, check out Nami's giant rant. o_o She made an adorable con report comic as well.
Nami says...
02.22 - @_@ wow katsucon was amazing. We talked at panels sold some prints and talked to a few people who read the comic FANSOMG! needless to say Nami is REALLY tired from it all XD my goal is to get the comic done asap and to Rika asap. asap... hehehe OK I met MANY wonderful people at the convention. many... many people...
I probably forgot someone on this list if i did im sorry PLEASE e-mail me and i will fix it!!
Ananth "sand muffin" and Hawk "omg boobies" from applegeeks.
Dave "viva la eggplant" lister from Paradox Lost
Jes "clapper" Matt "waited to hear that laugh" and Ian " i sleep in on fridays" ((shakes fist)) from MacHall
Mookie "dear diary- OMGWTF" from Dominic Deegan
kara "i (nami) got confused for her a lot" from Conscrew
Barb "IM CRAZY!" and Chris "The cool guy" from Fragile Gravity ps buy their book its worth it!
Katie " 7 trials of WIGAMOPOLIS!!" from Katie Bair's im-friggen-crazy-art-emporian/ninja highschool
Onezumi "make yourself a dick" from Onezumi
Rob "Nami didnt talk to him much" Balder from Partially Clips
Tubby "awesome blaspheming artist you must support" she does a good site!!
Erik "namis sneaking him in here" from Chisuji
SW "omg i finally found you! !" from Wander
Santinaeo "im a randome person who talked to nami" and Pirate King Jon "see above quote, also" who is starting a comic and im pimping
::deep inhales:: SO as you can see i was busy. and thats not even EVERYONE that was there! (( those are just the people i talked to for
like... 3 seconds. XD muah)) so please go see their sites, even if you do already go 2 times for Nami X3. So I flew home and after the most awesome safety speech of "if the cabin loses pressure, first stop screaming and put on the mask" Monika " im missed nami" from EiCR
came and picked me up! YAYS! so I'm back in Denver.... flooding it XD MUAHAHA
I wanna thank again the people who stopped by that read the story. It really made my weekend to have readers let us know you're alive and not
porn-bots. ^_^ TO THE UPDATES!
Rika says...
02.15 - Happy Valentines, Happy Un-niversary, happy Tuesday!

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Jekka Cormier and Sarah Hevey