11.23 - o_O this one took a long time to photoshop. I like it, though.
From what I've heard in person and in the forum, episode three has been a little bit confusing. If you agree with that sentiment, believe me - you are not alone. Even I'm a little confused and I wrote the thing. It's not your fault; it's Aramie's. I tried to get across the point that she sees the world very differently, and even if she nor anyone else doesn't understand, it's okay anyway. That doesn't make her a freak.
Except I guess it does cos normal people don't attack monsters while all blind and sexy bloody. FREAK!
Rika says...
11.19 - Nami and I both have mixed feelings on this comic. My script for it sucked. XD But we both did what we could for it. If it doesn't make sense, uh... that's my fault. ^^; Feel free to email me with questions or complaints. I'm gonna go bang my head against something.
Shit. That's sort of a self-deprecatingly whiny post, isn't it? Okay. I'll allow myself that one. From now on I'll be better about that stuff. :D
I am officially older. Thanks to all of you who offered me well wishes and snuggles - every single one of them was helpful and appreciative.
Enjoy thanksgiving! We might have to take a short holiday vacation, because I'm leaving my PC behind. Just a forewarning.
Nami says...
11.19 - WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ok this comic is a bit confusing... but ... so is Aramie... so ... yeah. XD NYAH.
hnnn what else to say?? I've been busy with school.. .were getting into finals @_@ URG. but I'm working on some illustrations XD so hopefully some pretties for you all!