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Episode 1: Commercial Break
Commercial Break
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Nami says...
09.15 - OH THE CRAZINESS. and yes we REALLY did light the action figure on fire. XD cause I'm a pyro.

other news. massive will be working on the whole forums WAIT A BIT LONGER PLEASE!

I will be updating other stuff. I'm vague cause I'm laughing my butt off right now at the comic. XD

I'll say more later when I'm intelligent. (looks like you might wait a while folks) OHHHHHH SLAM ON MYSELF. so enjoy.

Chad I love to torture you.
Rika says...
09.15 - It's close enough to Tuesday and I'm tired, so I'm updating now. If you're seeing the new comic before Tuesday, then.. uh.. horray!

I have always intended Seraphic to seem almost as though you were watching it on TV. I try for that in the scenes that I write. I'd like to have some sort of opening and ending clip, but as this is not TV, that's sorta impossible. Still, that's how I'm going at all of this. To try and keep that flavor, each episode will have a commercial break. (It was actually supposed to be next week, but when I finished writing chapter 1 it was a few pages shy of what I thought, so I pushed it up).

Obviously this commercial is in tribute to a man named Chad. If you do not know The Chad, then I feel somewhat sorry for you, because The Chad is unstoppable. And his kitten is cute.

Making The Chads was the most fun I've had in a long time. XD

Here's funny news - I got an email today from an anime convention saying they loved my art and they'd like me to send them some to display. I blinked for a long time and then wrote back saying that they must be looking for Nami. ^^;

Paradox Lost updated. It's godly. Go peek at it, would ya?

Damned ninjas..
Rika says...
09.11 - *blink* We're getting a bit more hits than I'm used to seeing on the counter, lately. I'm used to.. I dunno.. 5? ^_^ No, honestly, I'm surprised and impressed. Yesterday was a good traffic day for some odd reason... I'm glad I have the counter set to Unique Visitors and not Total Page Views or else my eyes would bleed from the unlikelihood of it all...

Updated the art page a lot last night: basically any sketch or color piece Nami did that didn't make it onto the archive list is in there. I did my own version of the coloring contest cos I like to use photoshop. It's sort of like pretending I'm artsy. *sigh*

All of chapter 1 is written in scripty form, so I can start writing 2 now!
Nami says...
09.09 - hehe the date looks like a face.

WELL we have an update. took long enough ehh? oh well. with school and CRAAAAAAAAAZY schedules.... i honestly think i just broke the page. i hit a button and suddenly i have yellow hexagons all over the place showing weird stuff everywhere. o.o they have p's and a's and even /b's. ::prays that she didn't break anything::

well once we get into the swing of things expect MORE UPDATES. i have Thursday off completely form EVERYTHING. so i hope to do school work and comic and draw something up for Ananth. ::were possibly gonna colab, whenever i get my ass in gear to send the stuff to him. he's cool. so is Hawk, go to applegeeks and give them love.:: tell them Nami sent you. XD.

other news, you see that forums button at the top of the page that dosen't work yet? My friend Massive Potato will make it work. ::nods:: he's helping me out with stuff. and he's a BIG help so when you see him and when i tell you go to the place go and tell him thanks. tell him "Nami told me to thank you, waffles" I'll get him to do stuff. ::tried to be as vague as possible::

ALSO I'm gonna make a list of things to REVISE on the site. so tell me what you want. want a tutorial? want a monkey? want love? want a Nami? E-MAIL ME tell me what you want and I'll comply... ALSO well be posting the results form the coloring contest ... soon?? so umm yeah. if you wanna still color the image FEEL FREE. hopefully i can make a seraphic coloring book. XD that would rock.

.... why are all my posts so long... ;_; LOVE YA ALL thank you co much for sticking through the shaky updates. and soon, SOON you will have compensation. I know i keep saying that but i MEAN it.
Rika says...
09.09 - Well, it's a comic, and it's been less than a month. XD I feel accomplished.

Lots of pooty going on in my life - for one, it's my father's birthday today, yaaaay for dads!, for a downer of a note, my college hates me, boooo!

But anyway.

Look! We're still going! The fan base seems to be growing (it's... ALIIIVE)... pretty psyched about hitting 5000 in just about the span of one year, and now let's all aim for 7500.

No cheating, Bill, Bert, and Ace.


I like the effect Nami did with the retraction of the wings... her idea, and it looks super cool. I had to tweak the script a bit to make up for it, but meh. I would have liked to do some sort of cool light effect there, but whatever. Dr. Hayden won the "this comic's spot of color!" lottery.

I like her. She don't take no crap.

... Nami wants someone who can beat her?

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Jekka Cormier and Sarah Hevey