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Episode 1: Rarin' to Go
Rarin' to Go
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Rika says...
03.24 - Doing this update early while we've got Davemon to help us with wordpad and FTP, we don't really know how and there are still frontpage issues. Sigh. Anyway, here's to almost being back on schedule. Keeping this short cos wordpad scares me. ... Oh my god, I just read Nami's rant. ... help...
Nami says...
03.24 - well. this is so depressing. yeah how the mighty have fallen... apperently Piro is dead hehehe seeign how ya knwo.. were not the great ones... yet... MUAHAHAH soon soon soon soon soon soon. and also my "mysterious secret shall be comfirmed SOON... as well as like you know us becoeming gods. :: dances like in buffy:: we shall be as GO~ODS! yes my minions... oh well i guess this gives me time to dominate jekka soem more. MUAHAHAHAHA... ::coughcough:: i mean were gonna go to IHOP... yeah... :: runs off::
Nami says...
03.19 - yep we are STILL trying to fix stuff. i have 2 strips to go up. nothing serpahic related. If I could only express how sorry i am that this cant be a seraphic page up. i am really itching to get stuff done but also having other little "interventions of the update" are not making things fun. but i will kick my own butt into gear and have stuff for you tomorrow. hoping to dedicate a good chunk of time to drawing and Friday morning will be scannage.
Nami says...
03.04 - DE SHMEAH. hopefully we can no longer be experiencing "technical difficulties" -_- but no promises. heheh i hope we don't change into a "once every two weeks" things.

#4 is coming along. i'm gonna force myself to finish it tonight... its LONG. so yeah. ^_^

i just wanna say thank you to all those people who have been there since the beginning and those who we have sucked in along the way you guys rock my face thank you so much.
Rika says...
03.04 - Frontpage started working again, and just in time. Need to run to work (so sick.. sooo sick..) so I'm gonna try to fix the appropriate buttons to point where they should and run off. When I get home if FP still works then I'll do the special 1000th page. Ugh, running so far behind... With any luck Nami'll finish scene 4 so I can start photoshopping the ever lovin hell out of it.

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Jekka Cormier and Sarah Hevey